Is that your job or mine?

Division of Responsibilities

Trek is an activity that involves many, many people and with so much to be done, it's helpful to know who is responsible for what. This page outlines the different responsibilities of those involved with Trek.  Also, please visit the  STAKE GOALS tab for a broad overview of what our Stake hopes to accomplish by taking the youth to Martin's Cove.

Youth Pioneers

  1. Participate in the Family History Challenge and gain a testimony of it.  
  2. Gain a deeper appreciation of our pioneer heritage.
  3. Research a pioneer ancestor or another pioneer to walk for on Trek.  If you do not have an ancestor, indicate accordingly when you fill out the ONLINE registration form and the Stake will provide you with a pioneer to research.
  4. Learn the Trek Medley and the songs/hymns we will be singing on Trek (see Trek Music tab).
  5. Fulfill Personal Progress and Duty to God requirements involving Trek.
  6. Encourage and help each other prepare. Sustain your ward leaders.
  7. Embrace your Trek family members and your Ma and Pa; build family unity with them.
  8. Prepare physically and spiritually for Trek. 
  1. Participate in the Family History Challenge by performing at least one ordinance for a family name with your youth.  Help your youth complete the challenge. 
  2. Provide clothing and equipment for your youth.
  3. Help your youth research a pioneer ancestor or another pioneer to walk for on Trek.
  4. Encourage your youth to prepare physically for Trek.
  5. Encourage your youth to do their Personal Progress and Duty to God.
Ward Leaders
  1. Participate in the Family History Challenge by performing at least one ordinance for a family name with your youth.  Help your youth complete the challenge. 
  2. Use the pioneer stories posted weekly on this blog in lessons, activities or opening exercises to teach the doctrine contained in the Trek Theme and meet the Stake Goals for Trek.
  3. Help the youth learn the Trek Medley and the songs we will be singing on Trek (see Trek Music tab).
  4. Help each youth have many faith promoting spiritual experiences while preparing for Trek. The better they are prepared spiritually, the more meaningful the Trek experience will be for them.
  5. Help each youth research a pioneer to walk for on Trek
  6. Individual wards are responsible for providing buckets with lids for their youth.
  7. Weekly activity nights may be used to make clothing or decorate buckets.
Mas and Pas
  1. Participate in the Family History Challenge by performing least at one ordinance for a family name.  
  2. Research a pioneer ancestor or another pioneer to walk for on Trek.  If you do no have an ancestor, indicate accordingly when you fill out the online registration form and the Stake will provide you with a pioneer to research.
  3. Learn the Trek Medley and the songs we will be singing on Trek.
  4. Be responsible for 8-10 youth during Trek (your family).
  5. Watch out for the safety of each of your family members (particularly hydration).
  6. GREATEST RESPONSIBILITY:  Foster an environment where each youth participant will have the opportunity to have spiritual experiences on Trek and learn of our pioneer heritage.
  7. Attend the Ma and Pa Training, date and time TBA
Stake Leaders
  1. Participate in the Family History Challenge by performing at least one ordinance for a family name.  
  2. Learn the Trek Medley and the songs we will be singing on Trek.
  3. Manage the logistics of transportation, food, and medical staff for all participants.
  4. Coordinate with Martin's Cove and make sure our Stake meets and follows the guidelines of the site.
  5. Provide stories and music to the ward leaders and parents to use in preparing the youth spiritually for Trek.
  6. Organize the Mas, Pas and youth into families and provide training for the Mas and Pas.
  7. Organize and execute the many faith promoting activities during Trek.
  8. Photograph the Trek experience and provide images to participants following Trek.

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