Duty to God & Personal Progress

Duty to God and Personal Progress

Below are some of the value experiences and goals that the youth can complete by participating in Trek.  We encourage our young men and young women (and YW leaders) to take a few minutes and choose several or all of the goals below and make a plan to complete them.  Very few things are as satisfying as completing a goal.  

Try to maintain a positive attitude and refrain from criticizing or complaining during Trek preparation & while Trekking, even when difficulty or challenges arise:
o Personal Progress, Divine Nature #3
o Duty to God, Create a goal under Spiritual Development

Discovering a name to represent on the Trek (Pioneer Ancestor):
o Personal Progress, Faith Value Project
o Personal Progress, Individual Worth #5, or IW Value Project
o Personal Progress, Knowledge #7
o Duty to God, Family Activities #9

Sewing own Pioneer clothes:
o Personal Progress, Divine Nature Value Project
o Personal Progress, Knowledge Value Project
o Duty to God, Physical Development #5

Can organize a class/quorum trip to the thrift store to find Pioneer-looking clothing
o Duty to God, Citizenship & Social Development #1

Physical Preparation for Trek: start at whatever fitness level you are at & build up to the Trek, keeping a fitness goal – reach out & help a friend who needs encouragement. Prepare together!
o Personal Progress, Knowledge Value Project
o Duty to God, Physical Development #1, #2, #3, #4

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