Frequently Asked Questions
Email:  billingstrekinfo@gmail.com

Q. Who Can Go on Trek?
A. All youth who will be 12 years of age by September 1, 2015 to youth who are age 18.

Q. Can I go on Trek if I am a high school senior?
A. You bet! We would love to see you on Trek!

Q. Will there be requirements to go on Trek?
A. Everyone who goes on Trek will be required to fill out registration forms. These forms can be accessed on this website under the REGISTRATION tab. All registration forms need to be turned in to your Ward leaders no later than April 30th.  We highly recommend that you prepare yourself physically and spiritually. All participants are asked to complete the FAMILY HISTORY CHALLENGE as part of the Trek experience.

Q. What should I be doing now to prepare for Trek?
A. The best thing you can do is to work on the Family History Challenge as well as your DUTY TO GOD & PERSONAL PROGRESS requirements. Some requirements will take longer than others. You will be trekking on behalf of a pioneer.  Visit YOUR PIONEER page to see what is expected and for materials available to research the stories your pioneer.  Begin exercising and preparing physically for all the walking you will be doing.  Visit PHYSICAL PREPARATION.  Remember that your Trek experience will depend on how well you prepare.

Q. How much will the Trek cost?
A. The cost is $110/youth.  Each Trekker will need to provide their own clothing & other necessities to take on the Trek.

Q. What can I wear on the Trek?
A. All participants are required to dress in character for the entire time of the Trek. This means that those attending (adults and youth) will come to the church on Thursday, July 23rd in “Pioneer” attire, and stay properly dressed until they return home on Saturday. Please visit CLOTHING HELP for more information.

Q. Am I responsible for getting my own pioneer clothing?
A. Yes.

Q. Is there a list of things I need to bring?
A. Yes. It is found under EQUIPMENT LIST tab.

Q. When do I need to have my pioneer clothes?
A. The sooner the better.  It can be very stressful if you wait till the last minute to acquire your clothes. If you did not get them completed by the end of April, a good goal would be to have them ready to go by the end of May or first part of June.

Q. Can I wear contacts?
A. The use of contacts is discouraged. Martin's Cove can be windy, sandy and dusty. Plan now to have a pair of glasses you can use. If you must wear contacts, have a sturdy pair of sunglasses on hand to protect your eyes.

Q. When do I need to turn in my Permission and Medical Release forms?
A. The signed forms need to be turned into your ward leaders by April 30, 2015.

Q. When do I need to have all of my personal equipment together?
A. Your bucket (which will be your luggage and seat) should be packed and ready to go on Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015. That night at 6:30 PM your buckets and sleeping bags will be weighed in at the Stake Center. (make sure it is no more than 17 pounds!) Don't worry, we will mark your gear so that you will be able to find it when we get to the site. After a short meeting the morning of July 23rd, we will depart for Martin's Cove. You will need to be dressed in your pioneer clothing that morning. 

Q. Will everybody ride the buses?
A. Yes, most of us, and it will be awesome! There is room on the buses for all the youth and Ma/Pa's. Some committee members will travel in separate vehicles.

Q. Can I come to Trek late or leave early?
A. No. We are traveling by bus and the stake is required to pay an entrance fee for all who are present. If you attend trek you must arrive and leave with the group.

Q. When is Trek?
A. We will depart on Thursday, July 23rd at 4:00 AM. We will return Saturday July 25th around 9:00 PM.

Q. Can I bring my iPod, iPad or Cell Phone?
A. LOL!!! Nope, sorry. Besides you are going to be too busy to be texting your BFF. No cell phones, iPods, iPads, MP3 players, video games or any electronic devices are allowed at any time. Cell phone service is not readily available in most of the Martin's Cove Area. Some leaders will have hand-held radios for emergency contact.

Q. How much walking will we do?
A. Plenty! We will walk and pull handcarts 4 miles the first day, 10 miles the second and 6 miles the third day. It will be important to be in shape and to have sturdy shoes. Start now to exercise, break in your shoes, and start the hydration program outlined under the Physical Preparation tab.

Q. Is there anything I should not bring?
A. Do not bring balls, Frisbees or any other “toys”. No electronic devices of any kind. No blow dryers or curling irons. Do not bring any canned or bottled drinks, candy or any snacks. Food & snacks will be provided.

More questions?  Contact your ward leaders or a member of the TREK LEADERSHIP committee under the Trek Leadership tab.  Feel free to email your question to billingstrekinfo@gmail.com.

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