
"What's for dinner?"

All food, snacks, treats, and drinks will be provided by the Stake to all of the families during the trek, except for a sack lunch on the first day. All individuals participating in the trek will be asked to bring a sack lunch that will be eaten the first day on the buses as we travel to the Martin's Cove Handcart Trek site.

During registration each person will have the opportunity to inform the Stake Trek Committee of any food allergies, diabetic, or other medical conditions so that appropriate meals can be planned for those individuals. All meals will either be warmed/heated up (previously cooked and frozen) or cooked by the individual families while on trek.

At no time during trek will individuals be asked to fast or go without food or water. This is a very strenuous activity and all individuals will need proper nutrition and hydration to avoid becoming sick, dehydrated, or any other medical problem that can occur due to an improper diet. There will always be adequate food for the Trek; it will not be an all-you-can-eat buffet, but it will be sufficient for the health of all participants.

Because each individual is only allowed 17 lbs. in their bucket, there will only be room for their clothing and personal items (use the personal equipment list as a guide for what you need to bring). At registration, the buckets will be inspected for any unapproved items. Snacks or treats are unapproved and will be confiscated. Required medications will be allowed; make sure to note each prescription you’ll need to bring on your medical release forms.

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