Thursday, July 16, 2015

Registration and Check In

Registration and Check In Wednesday, July, 22, 2015!!

WEDNESDAY EVENING: ALL youth, Ma's, Pa's, Company Captains, and Stake Committee people will bring their buckets and bedrolls to the stake center to have them weighed and tagged (remember the 17 pound limit for the buckets).  Please review the schedule below and come during your ward's assigned time block.  This will help the process tremendously and keep people from waiting around longer than necessary.


EAT a hearty breakfast and pack a robust lunch!!  Although there will be a snack or two, dinner at 5:00 pm will be the first meal served.

3:45:  Busses arrive at the stake center

4:00:  Ma's, Pa's, Company Captains, & Stake Committee arrive.  We need your help loading the buckets/bedrolls and  equipment onto the busses.  We also need help with youth check in.

4:30:  Youth check in.  PLEASE ARRIVE ON TIME!!!  Everyone needs to be accounted for before leaving.  Busses will leave at the scheduled time.  Set FIVE alarm clocks if you are one of those people!  Ha!  Ha!

5:00:  Quick send off devotional and prayer for a safe trip.

5:20:  Load the busses and off we go!!!


4:00 PM:  Hilltop  
5:00 PM:  Lake Hills & Skyview  
6:00 PM:  Hawthorne  
7:00 PM:  Shepherd & Hardin  
8:00 PM:  Alkali Creek & Roundup
9:00 PM:  Forsyth & Colstrip

Hardin, Roundup and Colstrip:  Housing is provided for Wednesday night.  

Young Women, Ma's & Pa's: Contact Teresa Larsen for your assignments.  
Young Men:  Contact Ernie Lovato for your assignments.